Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Monday, December 20, 2010

Who we are

I look at you and I no longer see myself. 
You tear me down and bring me to my knees. 
Then you bring me back up in hopes that 
my mind will flush out all thoughts of you 
sharing what was once mine with another soul. 
Was it ever really mine to begin with? 
I gave you every piece of me just for you to set me aside. 
Was our love null and insignificant to you? 
Yet I still give you my all. 
My heart aches but it longs for your love and attention. 
As if I am unable to receive these sentiments from another being. 
I just wanted you to want me and to love me the way that I love you if not more. 
I let myself fall deeper then I would have ever imagined. 
Now I am trapped in an endless maze. I was over. I was done. 
Then my hopeless dream returned with a few tears and a million I'm sorries. 
Should have known you'd bring me heartaches from the first lie you ever spoke.
My heart is filled with distrust and your tongue is over powered with filth. 
The trash you speak and the lies you kiss me with leave me sitting here
desperately while asking myself, "why do I love him so much?".. 
I try to blind myself to avoid seeing the things that are quite obvious. 
All I wanted was your love... But until then, I will keep living this lie 
and continue to tell myself that one day, my wishes will come true.. 
That one day, you'll love me like I love you. After all, as I always say.. 
You don't love me... It is just a figment of our imagination.

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