Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Fatal Attraction

There’s an attraction with no affection. I’m drawn mentally and physically. Meeting him has opened my eyes to the potential future that I could have if I open my mind more and cease to settle for less than I deserve. Who knew there was someone out there that has this much in common with me? From the taste in music to books, authors, hobbies and perspectives. Someone who sees what I see and doesn’t judge the way I go into depth with my thoughts. Someone who appreciates knowledge and thinks outside of the box. Someone that thinks in between the lines. Why must the circumstances be so difficult. Why is it that this attraction would be considered a sin in the eyes of the greater gods? Is it a test of faith? My heart has endured every form of abuse possible. My mind was set that no man will ever be able to impress or satisfy me. Why is it that when my heart is at it’s coldest I meet someone who makes it reconsider? It’s unfortunate to say but the more time I spend with him the more unattracted I become to the other. The fact that our psyche is almost exactly the same sends thrills through my body. I wish I had the answers I really wish I knew but for now we’ll just wait and watch faith be put to the test.

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