Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Malicious Dragon

When she was young with dreams of being a princess and dancing with the fairies, a man entered the room. "Let's play" he says with a creepy look on his face. To gain her trust he begins to fulfill her fantasies of being a princess. Buys her dresses, crowns and the most beautiful plastic little girl heals she had ever laid her eyes on. Once the trust is gained he begins to invite her downstairs. Says that this will be their magic kingdom and that in this kingdom, no evil dragon could ever come and get them. Who knew that he was to become that evil dragon. They go on to build a fortress with some old blankets, one which happened to be HER "blankie". He then whispers "Lets watch a movie" as he slowly rubs her shoulder, making his way up to her hair. Not once did he cease to smile. Overwhelmed with excitement, she goes on to fetch all of her dolls and proceeds to line them up next to her anticipating the commencement of what she thought was going to be, a beautiful Monday afternoon. Little did she know. This would be the day her imagination would be taken away. He proceeded to play this movie. Told her it was a very popular movie and that once you watch it, you have to play the game that the actors were playing. He continued to describe these rules while she nodded her head in agreement. The movie began. The first scene consisted of a woman laying down. She was not wearing any clothes and appeared to be comfortable in her settings. She began to talk in a crazy, hyperactive voice. As if she was running out of breath. The woman placed her hands on her body and began to rub herself in enjoyment. A male partner then joined her and immediately unbuckled his pants. "What's that?" the little girl asked in confusion. "It's just the man's sword" answered the older man. "Why is she putting the sword in her mouth?" continued the little girl. "To clean it before the game begins" he stated while slowly beginning to rub on his legs. The man then laid on the woman and she began making sounds that the little girl was unfamiliar with. "I don't like this movie" she stated, "it looks like he's hurting her!". As the little girl began to rise to gravitate her attention towards something else, the man then grabs her and says "I wanna play a game. Just like they did in that movie."

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