Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I Miss You..

I want to dedicate this one to you

My love...
Today was a rainy day
Somehow nature always seems to be
in tune with my emotions

I miss you

The sentiments that I am facing,
not even Shakespeare could put into words.
My mind longs for you
I am intrigued by you
Want nothing but you
I looked forward to you

But I do understand
You are unattainable.

I miss your voice
I miss the way your body
illuminates with excitement
once my hand is placed upon yours..

I miss the way you blush
When I kiss you with compliments
and I embrace you
While letting you know that
YOU, my love, are the most beautiful thing
I have ever rested my eyes upon

Beautiful you are
Inside as much as on the surface.

Last night
I pray I never relive

I miss your heart...
I miss the sweet melody that tickled my ear drum
every time you spoke

I hope to see you again
I hope to be granted another opportunity
to watch the moon entwine with the sun
to greet us on a beautiful Saturday night.

I hope you never forget
What we had was more than a crush
I promise you will live on in my heart
As the most beautiful soul
I've ever had the chance to know..

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