Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Friday, October 28, 2011


My endorphin
Disperse your supernaturality
Throughout my body's internal cavities.

Bless me with your presence,
And turn my pain into irrelevance.
So paralyzed by my misery –
Won't you come and deliver me?

Vacuous spaces
Vacate the chambers of my heart.
The loud beatings of my drum
Echo through these walls of loneliness

It is you that I need
It is you that I seek.

Agonizing sufferance,
And excruciating distress
Intensity lives,
Confined within the emptiness in my chest
Which was brought to me
By such regret.

Do not deprive me of you
For this leaves me
Distanced from my homeostatic state
Restore me to normality
Sail through the veins that inhabit me.

Commence with my
Proceed through my mortality
And fill me with your

Sweet endorphin
Desensitize me.
Won't you
Humanize me?

My soother
Soul healer
Pain killer.

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