Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Saturday, October 22, 2011

For You

For you,
there'd be no clouds.
I'd make my way to the skies and beg
All greater powers to postpone the rain
If it meant
Seeing you smile.
For you,
There'd be no end, no beginning, and no middle.
Just us..
Just the power of our never ending love
Because I'd travel to infinity beyond eternity
If it meant
Proving to you
That you're the reason this muscle in my chest
Beats religiously..
For you,
I'd stand on skyscrapers,
The tallest of buildings,
Shooting arrows at the stars
Just to bring one back to you
To show you how luminescent you are
Without using any words.
For you,
I’d lose touch with humanity
My sincerity longs for you eternally
I’d come right home to you habitually
If it meant I could wake up to you consistently.

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