Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stronger Than Me

You should be stronger than me
You’ve done this before
Been in love before
Been in hurt before
Been broken before…
You should be the strength that
Holds us together
But instead
At the snap of a finger
You turn yourself off
Like the light switch I depend on
In my moments of darkness...
Thought you already lived
Thought you already loved
Thought you already knew
The pains that accompany
Being in love.
Thought you were stronger than me
Why is it that with every argument
You turn your head
And give me your back
Walk away
Til I gotta pull you back?
You should be tougher than me
Be that glue that keeps this bond together
The man that is comforting
Not the man that is a weakling…
You should be the man that
Holds my hand firmly
Guides me through the crowds
You should be in control
Don’t sit there and cry with me…
You should be
Stronger than me…

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