Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I Surrender

I surrender myself to you,
My love.
In your arms I find comfort.
The comfort I have been searching for
For as long as I’ve known
I could love.


You're a con-artist
With an evil twist
Led me to believe
Your heart was made of gold.
The way her face lit up
When you pressed your lips against hers
Filling her up with lies
Leaving us with disbelief
When your intentions were to simply leave.
She learned to live happily without the care of a man.
Then you came around
To shine upon her life
Just to turn off the switch
On your way out.
I saw the way you looked at her,
Making her comfortable
While melting the ice from around her heart
Just to turn around and take advantage of her fragile soul.
I wish she had missed the first time that you kissed
You allowed her to create fantasies of what it could have possibly been.
They say good things come to those who wait
It's unfortunate to say
But you were not her "good thing"..
So feel free to exit.
Leave behind the best thing that has ever and will ever happen to a bitter soul like you.
When you can't sleep at night
And your dreams are haunted by the looks of her smile,
Then you'll realize
What a fool you made of yourself.
And when you do realize,
Feel free to continue to walk away
The other way
Just like you did
When you chose
To walk out of her life.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Your love
Was forbidden. 
Controlled in a tight space
Do this, do that, and go this way. 
Your love was the leader,
Full of arrogance
"Grab my hand, it's time to go."
Your love was affectionate
Yet filled with so many altercations
Yet so unkind. 
Your love was "look at all I've done for you" not "I hope this makes her smile"..
Your love was insecure 
You love was so unsure. 


We all love to hate love
But it is not love itself
That should be hated
But the man that has
Taken the term
Out of context…
To love does not mean
To Lie.
To Cheat.
To Betray
To Deceive.
Love is wholesome
Love is genuine
Love is trustworthy
And Love is faithful.
Love itself does not need words
To be shown properly.
For if you love, love,
The real love,
A simple term
That has been
Used, abused and overused
Would not need to be
Because love
Has a voice
And it speaks for itself...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Addiction

Disease disease,
You are my disease. 
My addiction, 
You are. 
Away from you,
I cannot be. 
When I get my fix,
Of you. 
Things feel,
So true. 
I cannot bare to be
Without my drug. 
I'm addicted,
To you.
Want no one,
But you.
Not even rehab 
Could begin
To get you
Out of my bloodstream. 
You live,
In me.
You flow,
Through me.
My most important organ,
You are,
Without you
I cannot be.
My lungs,
You are. 
Without you,
I cannot breathe. 
My eyes,
You are. 
Without you,
I cannot see. 
I'm addicted to your love,
Infatuated with your magic. 
I'd give up my world for you
Like a true junkie,
I feign. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Insanity Brings Creativity

Losing your mind rewards you with creativity
My creativity is what inspires me
To paint a picture
To snap a foto
To climb a tree
To step out of my mind 
And into another galaxy
To see the rocks as art
To view the world as a painting
To see that the ocean waves are actually dancing in a single rhythm that every other wave follows. 
To admire the structure of buildings and find beauty in city streets. 
To see the world as a fountain
Full of beautiful things to see...
And swallow. 
Look at Salvador Dali,
And his immense insanity
Now almost a century later,
He is still being discussed 
All around our world. 
Or Picasso,
His blue period
The period when his mind was gone
And his heart was torn
He created
Some of the best paintings
Man has had a chance to see. 
See, Lunatics posses a power
To envision the world
In a different tone 
This is why 
Losing your mind
Can reward you with pots of gold. 

I Forgive You

In order to move on
I have to forgive you. 
I have to release you of all the pain you've caused...
Out of my body!
I've got to let go of the hurt I felt when I discovered that
my heart, the love of my life, was giving my love to undeserving beings. 
The love of my life didn't acknowledge how much I loved him. 
Needed him. 
Miss him. 
That he shared his body,
My temple,
With the dirty waters that fill the sewage
I have to forgive you for stabbing me through the heart with your words. 
How you'd find synonyms
To find different ways
To call me out of my name
Ending with the words 
"I don't love you anymore"...
I have to forgive you
For leaving me awake at night
For disrespecting our home
Violating our love
And turning our "i love you's" into 
"I despise you,
Wish I never met you,
Wish I never kissed you,
Should of stayed home the night I met you."
I have to forgive you
For making me fall in love with you...

How Could An Angel Break My Heart

Angels breaking hearts
What a tragedy. 
I saw you spread your wings
As you wrapped them around me
Promised to 
protect me
be my guardian 
to care for me. 
My angel...
That which I thought you were 
But you wore your disguise so suitingly. 
Looked me in the eyes with the stare of a Saint
Hypnotized by your charm
How could have I resisted. 
My angel. 
My bestfriend. 
Those words you spoke. 
The trust I gave
The power you had
The promises that faded. 
Could this be my angel?
Another vision was formed
Suddenly your wings let go of me
The pupils of your eyes dilated 
Filled up with darkness
I saw the corners of those lips I once thought were so beautiful 
Turn upside down
Your genuine smile turned into a smirk
An evil smirk. 
Your wings began to darken as you started to fade into the darkness. 
My angel?
Fallen Angel. 
Ceased to bless me
Began to torture me
While trying to kill me
Having possession over me
But could this be?
How could my angel break my heart?

Tattoos to You... Truths to me...

Tattooed Corpse
Pierced Body..
It is not the needles that have entered my body
That define me
But the food that has entered my brain.
I sat in a chair
Awaiting for the tattooed man
To penetrate my skin
With memories,
With significance…
The art that covers my body
Should not be a reason to label me
But a reason to understand me.
Understand that every time that needle
Pierced through my skin
While ejecting master pieces,
An emotion was formed
A memory was relived.
From the hummingbird on my shoulder that
Brings me peace
And reminds me every day that I am now free to fly,
Able to spread my wings
That I am no longer being held captive
And that I should set myself free.
Or the last name of my family,
My backbone,
Written across my ribs
While filling me with strength
Reminding me that their love is unconditional
While the world’s love is simply provisional.
Or could it be the words that I live by
That are written on my shoulder blades
Revealing a simple request
“No Lies, Just Love”…
The need to be respected
The tears that I shed
This stands as a reminder
Of what love should really be.
Or could it be the tribal heart
Of my guardian angel,
My rider, My bestfriend
That I hold on my side
As a reminder that distance could not make us closer
That I love my rider to the end.
Maybe it’s the lotus
That sits flowingly upon my hip
That signifies being born again
For a lotus begins its life cycle in the dirt
And floats towards the sun
And on the water shore
To live the rest of its days.
I see my body
As an art exposition
A story for the fans to hear,
A story for my kids to tell.
It’s not just insignificant ink
But a portable gallery
Of the things that I have endured…
Tattoos to you
Truths to me.

Monday, September 5, 2011

I love you....

I love you without reason.
And it's the simplest kind of love.
Like the love a lion has for its cubs
Like a first grade crush.
The sweetest kind of love
Filled with innocence.
Filled with peace.
A love filled with
Electromagnetic waves
Strong enough to be felt
Between your heart
and Mine.
Maybe it's the way you try to hold in a smile
When I gently kiss you on the cheek.
Or could it be the way you hold my face
With such passion
When you press your lips against mine 
Erasing the world around me
Erasing any insecurity I've ever had.
For your love, it gives me strength.
I love you because
You're beautiful.
I love the way your eyes sparkle
When they meet mine
The way I see myself in them
Like I don't belong anywhere else
Like I found my place in this world.
I love the grays in your hair
The line on your nose
Every hair on your back
and every mistake you've ever made.
To me,
Your imperfections are perfection.
Simply, I just love you...

(sorry this kind of sucks.. got 7 kids here...)


If a glass vase was to be thrown
From the 13th floor of a Manhattan building
On a rainy day
Traffic awaiting
The glass would be shattered…
A million pieces would be submerged
Lacking the ability to be reconstructed.
When it comes to us,
That vase is unbreakable…
Maybe a slight dent or even a scratch.
When it comes to our family,
The Leonard Family,
You may throw it,
Slam it,
Even try to break it
But no matter what we go through
We always come back to each other.
No matter the intensity of the problem
Our tribulations only bring us closer
And make us love stronger.
We may at times think we have lion hearts
And pretend that we don’t feel
Or that the separation doesn’t kill
But when it comes to each other
Pride is set aside
Our love is unconditional.
Our love is unbreakable.