Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tattoos to You... Truths to me...

Tattooed Corpse
Pierced Body..
It is not the needles that have entered my body
That define me
But the food that has entered my brain.
I sat in a chair
Awaiting for the tattooed man
To penetrate my skin
With memories,
With significance…
The art that covers my body
Should not be a reason to label me
But a reason to understand me.
Understand that every time that needle
Pierced through my skin
While ejecting master pieces,
An emotion was formed
A memory was relived.
From the hummingbird on my shoulder that
Brings me peace
And reminds me every day that I am now free to fly,
Able to spread my wings
That I am no longer being held captive
And that I should set myself free.
Or the last name of my family,
My backbone,
Written across my ribs
While filling me with strength
Reminding me that their love is unconditional
While the world’s love is simply provisional.
Or could it be the words that I live by
That are written on my shoulder blades
Revealing a simple request
“No Lies, Just Love”…
The need to be respected
The tears that I shed
This stands as a reminder
Of what love should really be.
Or could it be the tribal heart
Of my guardian angel,
My rider, My bestfriend
That I hold on my side
As a reminder that distance could not make us closer
That I love my rider to the end.
Maybe it’s the lotus
That sits flowingly upon my hip
That signifies being born again
For a lotus begins its life cycle in the dirt
And floats towards the sun
And on the water shore
To live the rest of its days.
I see my body
As an art exposition
A story for the fans to hear,
A story for my kids to tell.
It’s not just insignificant ink
But a portable gallery
Of the things that I have endured…
Tattoos to you
Truths to me.

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