Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Addiction

Disease disease,
You are my disease. 
My addiction, 
You are. 
Away from you,
I cannot be. 
When I get my fix,
Of you. 
Things feel,
So true. 
I cannot bare to be
Without my drug. 
I'm addicted,
To you.
Want no one,
But you.
Not even rehab 
Could begin
To get you
Out of my bloodstream. 
You live,
In me.
You flow,
Through me.
My most important organ,
You are,
Without you
I cannot be.
My lungs,
You are. 
Without you,
I cannot breathe. 
My eyes,
You are. 
Without you,
I cannot see. 
I'm addicted to your love,
Infatuated with your magic. 
I'd give up my world for you
Like a true junkie,
I feign. 

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