Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I Forgive You

In order to move on
I have to forgive you. 
I have to release you of all the pain you've caused...
Out of my body!
I've got to let go of the hurt I felt when I discovered that
my heart, the love of my life, was giving my love to undeserving beings. 
The love of my life didn't acknowledge how much I loved him. 
Needed him. 
Miss him. 
That he shared his body,
My temple,
With the dirty waters that fill the sewage
I have to forgive you for stabbing me through the heart with your words. 
How you'd find synonyms
To find different ways
To call me out of my name
Ending with the words 
"I don't love you anymore"...
I have to forgive you
For leaving me awake at night
For disrespecting our home
Violating our love
And turning our "i love you's" into 
"I despise you,
Wish I never met you,
Wish I never kissed you,
Should of stayed home the night I met you."
I have to forgive you
For making me fall in love with you...

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