Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Monday, August 29, 2011

There's Something About His Kiss

Once his lips are pressed upon mine,
I lose all forms of sensation.
Not even my mind
Possesses the capability
To combat the control he acquires
Over my body.
There’s something about his kiss
That makes my knees go weak.
Every pelt on my skin has been awakened
Waiting for more of his magic
To press upon my lips.
There’s something about his kiss
That makes me lose my cool.
Makes me turn into a new born child
As I sit and stare up at him
Begging for him to feed me
More of his passion.
There’s something about his kiss
That strips me of myself.
Makes me want to be
Better than myself.

Flightless Bird

Beautiful bird,
Come fly with us…
Come see the world,
Explore the colors.
Dance through the rains
Fly above the seas,
Come and you’ll see
How it’s really meant to be.
Beautiful bird won’t you spread your wings,
Won’t you take a leap?
For if all else fails,
Faith will catch you.
Beautiful bird,
Are you damaged?
What keeps you restrained?
What isolates your soul?
“Congenial bird,
Have you ever been defeated?
Experienced sufferance
And lost all of your senses?
Have the wolves come to destroy
Your nest while leaving you
Helpless and Hopeless?
Have you experienced life?
Congenial bird,
Life does not simply consist of
And grounds full of worm buffets
Ready to fulfill my hunger for life.
Congenial bird,
Life keeps you from flying.
From seeing the world
And exploring the colors.
The only rain you see is
That which forms from
My flow of tears.
Congenial bird,
I cannot spread my wings,
I cannot bear to fly above the seas
Or take a leap
For life took away my flight
Leaving me as nothing more than
“A Flightless Bird”  

No One

No one really knows
The death that inhabits
The walls of my heart. 
The pain I have endured
Is it possible for me to be human?
Soulless, hopeless and alone. 
No one understands 
the depth of my cuts, 
the burn in my wounds, 
the ice in my veins. 
No one really sees the pain in my eyes, 
the ache in my stomach 
or the despair that leaves me gasping for air. 
No one can feel the discourage that overwhelms me 
every time I look in the mirror. 
The need to be loved. 
The crave to be cared for. 
No one really knows let alone cares to understand 
the outrageous sentiments that flow through my body as I ask myself 
Why doesn't anyone love me?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

He Murdered My Soul

There once was a boy
He murdered my soul... 
Tore out who I was
And created a monster of
Who he wanted me to be. 
Threw bricks at my spirit
he buried me deep, alive.
Slit right through my heart
Threw dust through my lungs.
Kept me from breathing
Kept me from speaking
He murdered my soul  

My Random Thoughts

While driving, 
if a pothole is in sight, 
We drive around it. 
While walking, 
if a rock that could potentially make us fall is on the ground, 
We walk around it. 
While flying,
 if a rain cloud is in sight,
We fly around it
In hopes of avoiding turbulence
So why is it that when in love, 
if we see all of the bad things, 
we still choose to stay?
Why is it that we allow people to destroy our dreams,
Murder our souls,
and fill us with sorrow? 
Why is it that potholes are okay to drive through, 
while we're in love? 
Why do we allow ourselves to stumble and scab our knees if we knew the rock was there from day one? Why is it that while in a plane, turbulence is feared but when in love, it is accepted? 
Why do we allow ourselves to be kissed with lies and murdered on the inside?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Intertwine With Love

Like the two grapes in this vine
I wanna be next to you
I wanna entwine with you
And dance in the arms of the branches that keep us together
I wanna drink wine with you
I want the sweet aroma to take us to a place
Where only lovers go
I want to be close to you
No one but you
Fall in adoration with you
Become one with you. 
I want the branches to pull us closer 
And to keep us tight
I want the vine to be unbreakable 
With you is where I'll be forevermore 
Like the two grapes in this vine
I wanna be attached to you

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

My Dream

Are you a dream?
Is it possible for someone to have 
A heart as kind as yours
Lips as soft as yours
Kisses as sweet as yours
Hugs as warm as yours
Love as strong as yours?
When I'm with you
Time stops
People disappear 
Chaos turns to peace
And problems don't exist
When you kiss me
I don't hear anything 
Just the loud beat of my heart
As it pounds out of my chest
While trying to jump into yours. 
You're a dream I never wanna wake from
You're like the blunt that calms me down
A simple kiss from you
Turns my whole world upside down
You're the cloud that I float on
The rainbow that I slide down
You brought the pot of gold into my life  
And I'd love nothing more than to one day
Maybe be your wife. 

Will I ever find love?

When it rains
I ponder as I imagine
How beautiful the sun
Will appear 
Once it's immaculate rays
Begin to shine upon my life. 
Then I wonder. 
Will the gray days ever brighten?
Will the wind cease to
Respond to the angry skies? 
Will the rocking ocean waves find ever find peace?
Will I ever find love?


In a valley. 
Full of nocturnal creatures
Such as I. 
In an environment so dark
So lonely
A niche is found
No one allowed. 
Not a single soul walked the streets of that valley but I. 
I who is lonesome. 
I who is greysome. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Please Mr. Old Man

Please Mr. Old man
Won't you sing us a song
Let the blues in your voice
Take us into a melody 
We call love. 
Let us sway across the dance floor
Allowing our bodies to flow
I'll be your baby tonight. 
Please Mr. Old man
Won't you write us a song
A sweet melody that only our hearts can hear. 
Let our spirits fall into ecstasy 
The power of this music
Oh, how it lifts me. 
Please Mr. Old man 
Won't you whisper those words. 
Whisper the rhythm low enough
So I can hear his heart beat
Up against mine
As he holds me closely
Kisses me so softly
As he utters these 3 words 
In my ear. 
So sweetly
Yet so lovely 

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Healing

To the greatest of 
Your lungs' capacity
Hold it..
Now exhale..
Release all of life's problems
And condemn all of the monsters
That haunt you
Keeping you from 
Living at peace. 
The herb,
It has this power. 
The power to heal the soul and
To repair the broken 
The power to communicate
And release all aches. 
When a long day ends
When not even the pills
Can soothe my wounds
I turn to the herbs
For it's naturals never failed me. 
Once my lighter is at work
And there is no turning back
As the smoke persists to fill my lungs
I enter in a new dimension. 
My mind is no longer here
My fears no longer exist
My sorrow turns into glow
I'm living like there's no tomorrow. 
I get brought high above the clouds
And kiss the stars goodnight 
While laying in the dark
Not a single tear in sight. 
Marijuana it's made from earth
From the hands of our creator
Without it would be war
Much more than fills our world. 
It brings the humans peace
Not once has it caused disease
In joy I shall be filled
When I take a hit of this weed. 

I Hope to Love You

What would my winters be like
I wonder,
As I imagine,
 You and I
Becoming one by the fire place
Sharing our body’s temperatures
You giving me
A warm place to stay.
In your arms is where I’ll be
Sharing a blanket
While dreaming out loud
Will you be mine forever?
Our fingers entwined
While listening to songs of laughter
Watching the diamondlike flakes fall
And the icicles form
Beautifying our horizons
Just you and I..
Your body
Taking the shape of mine
Your breath
Generating warmth to the back of my neck
Soft whispers and
Sweet Kisses
I hope to love you
For this winter
And many more to come
Til the world freezes over 
I hope to love you

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Love

When I think of the sun,
the flowers,
and the ocean,
I think of you...
Something as simple as a few words
and my summer love was appointed..
Something as simple as a quick glance
and my winter cold was warmed
and from that moment on,
I knew you could possibly be the one…
See things like this don’t happen to a girl like me
But you helped me see
How things should really be.
When I think of the dandelion fields
And the and warm summer breeze
I just imagine you being the wind
Embracing and loving my skin.
You remind me of the summer rain
Most people would look down on that
But when I think of how refreshing
The summer rain can be
And how a slight drizzle could revive the dead crops
I think of you
Because you revived me.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Meet Me at the Falls

I envision myself
Standing at the falls..
Knowing your love awaits me
On the other side
Gives me reasons to breathe
I stand there gazing in amazement 
Shouting out your name
Wondering if you'll hear me. 
Through the angry winds
And the violent waves. 
Will my call be answered?
Dare you to return my love?

Oath to my Toilet

Surrounded by these four walls
At last, I found my peace. 
The lights remain unlit. 
The words remain unspoken. 
Reunited we are at last. 
My place of comfort
My place of hope
Only you know
The voice 
That lives inside my soul. 
With you I feel at home
Such warmth and so soothing
In you I find seclusion 
And such relief
For you live to release
All forms of evil 
that lie within me.