Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Healing

To the greatest of 
Your lungs' capacity
Hold it..
Now exhale..
Release all of life's problems
And condemn all of the monsters
That haunt you
Keeping you from 
Living at peace. 
The herb,
It has this power. 
The power to heal the soul and
To repair the broken 
The power to communicate
And release all aches. 
When a long day ends
When not even the pills
Can soothe my wounds
I turn to the herbs
For it's naturals never failed me. 
Once my lighter is at work
And there is no turning back
As the smoke persists to fill my lungs
I enter in a new dimension. 
My mind is no longer here
My fears no longer exist
My sorrow turns into glow
I'm living like there's no tomorrow. 
I get brought high above the clouds
And kiss the stars goodnight 
While laying in the dark
Not a single tear in sight. 
Marijuana it's made from earth
From the hands of our creator
Without it would be war
Much more than fills our world. 
It brings the humans peace
Not once has it caused disease
In joy I shall be filled
When I take a hit of this weed. 

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