Special Dedication

I dedicate my blog to someone
who saw something in me
Someone who gave me hope
I couldn't thank you enough
This one's for you

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Random Thoughts

While driving, 
if a pothole is in sight, 
We drive around it. 
While walking, 
if a rock that could potentially make us fall is on the ground, 
We walk around it. 
While flying,
 if a rain cloud is in sight,
We fly around it
In hopes of avoiding turbulence
So why is it that when in love, 
if we see all of the bad things, 
we still choose to stay?
Why is it that we allow people to destroy our dreams,
Murder our souls,
and fill us with sorrow? 
Why is it that potholes are okay to drive through, 
while we're in love? 
Why do we allow ourselves to stumble and scab our knees if we knew the rock was there from day one? Why is it that while in a plane, turbulence is feared but when in love, it is accepted? 
Why do we allow ourselves to be kissed with lies and murdered on the inside?

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